Monday, September 22, 2008

Dianne Newman added to JCBO

Prof. Dianne Newman, the Wilson Professor of Biology and Geobiology  in the Departments of Biology and Earth and Planetary Science at MIT, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, will be joining JCBO effective October 1, 2008. She replaces Jonathan King, who has been the Biology Department's representative for many years.  Please take the time to drop a note to Jon King, to thank him for his valuable service.

Our laboratory is interested in the co-evolution of life and Earth. Specifically, we take an interdisciplinary approach to studying the molecular mechanisms that underlie putatively ancient forms of metabolism. By understanding the way extant organisms function at the molecular level, we hope eventually to gain insights into the evolution of ancient metabolic and biomineralization pathways, interpret the chemical signatures of early life found in the geologic record, and understand how multicellular bacterial communities survive in the context of anaerobic infection.
Prof. Newman will be visiting the WHOI on Nov. 20, 2008 to give the Biology Department seminar.  I'll arrange for lunch with the graduate students.  Let's welcome Dianne to the Joint Program by turning out in large numbers!

1 comment:

  1. Prof. Newman seems like a great choice to replace Jon King on JCBO!

    We do indeed owe Jon King our gratitude for his years of service on JCBO. He served on many thesis committees, advised a BO student, organized events to raise the visibility of the JP within MIT Biology, and was a strong advocate for enhanced interactions between biologists at MIT and WHOI.
