Thursday, June 5, 2014

Congratulations to Mike Neubert and Britt Raubenheimer!

I'd like to restart the WHOI Biology Education Blog with a post announcing that Britt and Mike are the recipients of the 2014 Arnold B. Arons Award for Excellence in Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring!! 

This award was established by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to honor the memory of Dr. Arnold B. Arons, long serving Trustee and Honorary Trustee of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It is conferred periodically every two to five years to a WHOI Scientific Staff or Senior Technical Staff member who has demonstrated sustained excellence in teaching, advising/mentoring or has shown exceptional promise in these activities during early career involvement in the education programs of the Institution. 

Both Britt (a faculty member in AOPE) and Mike (a faculty member in Biology) are dedicated and effective teachers and mentors, and this was robustly demonstrated in the letters written by past and present students and colleagues for their nominations.  Please join me in congratulating both of them!